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Nature Conservancy of Canada

Protecting and Enhancing SAR Habitat on Manitoulin Island

Massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus)
Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)
Eastern musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus)

Project Details

Project Title: Protecting and Enhancing SAR Habitat on Manitoulin Island
Funding Recipient: Nature Conservancy of Canada
Funding Awarded: $125,000 (over 2 years)
Project Partners: 
Targeted Species at Risk: Massasauga rattlesnake, Blanding’s turtle, and Eastern musk turtle
Project Status: Complete (2021-2022)

Project Summary

The project aimed at conserving the Vidal Bay Forest and Shoreline property on Manitoulin Island in perpetuity, with the focus in 2022 on completing a baseline inventory and a property management plan. Several achievements marked the project’s success, including comprehensive mapping and control measures against invasive phragmites throughout the property’s wetlands and coastal shoreline. Samples were submitted for testing to distinguish between native and invasive phragmites species, and the control efforts were specifically designed to restore and protect the habitat of the Blanding’s Turtle.

In addition to phragmites control, the project involved Species at Risk (SAR) habitat assessments. These assessments surveyed thabitats suitable for Blanding’s turtle, spotted turtle, and massasauga rattlesnake. Further survey sites were identified, and a survey protocol was developed. The project extended its efforts to include the survey of potential Kirtland’s warbler habitat, contributing valuable information for future restoration and conservation plans. Additionally, the drainage system in a beaver-controlled wetland was managed to maintain water levels and preserve road infrastructure.

Trail mapping, monitoring, and planning were integral components, covering 50 kilometers of trails within the property. Outreach efforts were widespread, involving engagement with indigenous communities such as Zhiibaahaasing First Nation, Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, and the United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising. Furthermore, public outreach initiatives targeted the local community to foster awareness and engagement regarding the conservation of Manitoulin Island. The project’s multifaceted approach demonstrated its commitment to preserving the ecological integrity of Vidal Bay and its surroundings.

Further Details

For more information about the ‘Protecting and Enhancing SAR Habitat on Manitoulin Island’, please visit the links below.

Nature Conservancy of Canada website

Project Gallery