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Funding Eligibility

Funding Eligibility & Requirements

GMI funds initiatives that contribute to the survival and recovery of the targeted snake, turtle and avian SAR species. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of projects that GMI is seeking to support:

  • Projects that address threats to affected SAR species within their Ontario range;
  • Acquiring or stewarding new habitat for the benefit of SAR;
  • Enhancing biodiversity to support the targeted SAR on First Nations reserves in the region (e.g. restoration of degraded habitat); and
  • Supporting public education programs related to SAR (e.g. anti-persecution initiatives) and preserving Indigenous SAR-related ecological knowledge.

Projects that address physical threats on the landscape are prioritized over research-based projects.

Eligible Recipients

Proposals may be submitted by:

  • Indigenous and non-Indigenous organization;
  • non-government organizations;
  • non-profit organizations;
  • researchers;
  • communities;
  • municipalities;
  • individuals;
  • landowners;
  • students.

Proposals from Indigenous organizations or communities are strongly encouraged.

GMI Will Not Fund the Following Project Expenditures

  • Administrative costs above 15%;
  • Costs incurred outside of the proposed project timeline, including those associated with preparing proposals;
  • Costs for cancelled projects;
  • Capital expenditures not directly related to the purpose of the project;
  • Any taxes associated with fees or disbursements or any other costs for which the applicant is eligible for a rebate; or
  • Any other costs deemed outside of the scope of this funding opportunity.

Apply for the EGBI Fund

If you have a project or initiative that could fit within GMI’s funding mandate, please send an expression of interest to for further information.